100cameras program
Thank you for leading an incredible 100cameras Program! We cannot wait to publish your Program and begin sharing your students’ perspectives with the world.
This post-program survey will serve as support for us in the following ways:
Content to create additional and ongoing behind-the-scenes posts about the Program as told through your experiences about the impact had on the teachers, students, community and/or partner organization. The more detail you can provide, the more compelling we can tell the story in new and engaging ways for many moons to come.
Quotes to share more about your Program specifically as well as to use to inspire others worldwide to lead a 100cameras Program in a community they care about.
Feedback so we can improve. We are constantly looking to make our Program Platforms stronger and better as we grow. Hearing directly from your perspective and experience is important to us.
Thank you for taking the time here, and let us know if you have any questions!
-Angela, Lydia, JP and team
Please answer all prompts in complete sentences to help us ensure that your answers stay connected to your original intent and context as it relates to each question.